Listen to what clients have to say…..
I started working with Ciara about a year ago. I live in Australia, so all of our sessions have been via zoom, which hasn't affected the healing at all.
I've been unwell for about 25 years. I was living in the subtropics and was bitten by a lot of ticks, which triggered a cascade of illnesses. I went to half a dozen doctors and was diagnosed with a long list of ailments and labels, none of which helped me shift my chronic and acute health conditions.
In 2016 I discovered Medical Medium and adopted his protocols. Changing my diet made a huge difference. However, I still wasn't completely well.
I began seeing a psychologist. I also had reiki sessions. Reiki helped me immensely. However in 2020 I had two seizures and twelve allergic reactions, six of them anaphylactic. I was so sick that I couldn't move an inch to the right or the left, as I would be overcome with Vertigo and vomiting every time I moved. Everything I ate gave me an allergic reaction. I was down to about 4 foods that I could eat.
In 2021 I was so ill I was admitted to hospital and they couldn't work out what was wrong with me so they sent in the psychiatric team. This is the type of gas lighting I had to put up with because of invisible illnesses. A few months later I was diagnosed with stage 3 xxxxxx
In 2021 I had four hour surgery to remove as much of the disease as possible. Unfortunately there was still a small amount of disease left after the surgery. I joined Chris Beat xxxxxx Square 1 community and started incorporating that protocol into my regime. Even though I was doing everything right physically, the disease continued to progress and before long I was declared stage 4.
Asides all that I had a lot of emotional, financial and family stress in my life. The statistics back up that sexual abuse and sexual assault survivors often have illnesses in their reproductive system, so I'm not surprised that I had xxxxxx there. I have a history of childhood abuse, and sexual assault. I was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of this. Over my lifetime I have tried all sorts of different modalities to try and address the C-PTSD. I began working with Ciara to help address the repressed trauma that was impinging on my physical healing.
Ciara, focused on releasing intergenerational trauma in the sessions. We also focused on healing the abuse. All of the sessions were profound and deep. Her meditation practice was like nothing I'd experienced before and I've lived in Ashram in India in the 1980s and have been meditating most of my life. From someone who has tried every type of modality since the eighties to heal, I have found Ciara's work incredibly deep and effective, and it was a well worth the investment of my time and energy. 8 months into working on releasing my trauma and things started to shift. A specialised scan revealed the disease had shrunk and a lot had disappeared. 3 months after that, another specialised scan showed "No evidence of disease".
The healing work I've done with Ciara has shifted my spiritual, emotional, mental and physical state. Ciara always follows up after the session. Her work is very deep and brings in a lot of experience with the spiritual realm, and always intuitively accurate. Her knowledge, approach and support were all thorough. It's also helped create a healing with a close family member and myself, making a huge difference on a vibrational level. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Ciara. The sessions are powerful, especially when you follow them up with her recommendations. Even though this healing journey was often very raw and tough to navigate, I am absolutely blessed with the delightful outcome of releasing my trauma.
A. Lee
Since a decision 3 years ago to embark on a healing journey, I have engaged with several different modalities. Starting with meditation, I then participated in the world's first group psilocybin micro-dosing study. These practices helped me understand the nature of trauma and how it is stored, be it childhood, past life or ancestral. Further exploration of plant medicine work also helped me discover that I had a real issue with feeling - from sadness to joy.
The more I explored this emotional block of being unable to feel, the more I realised that it was stopping me from moving forward; both by preventing me from fully releasing emotions trapped in my heart space, but also by not allowing me to experience the full range of this human experience. I knew that to have fulfilling relationships, and to be emotionally available to love myself deeply - I needed to address this block. After some online research, I learned about the Quantum approach, and came across Ciara. The reboot sounded like it would be able to remove my "heart wall", and also address some of the deep issues I had been made aware of during my plant medicine journeys.
After my first 2.5 hour session with Ciara, during which I felt safe and supported, I immediately felt my heart open up. I would describe this as something like meeting another part of myself emotionally! My interior emotional space altogether felt lighter, as if there was much more room there than there had been previously. During this session I'm aware that as well as my heart wall being removed, several past life and ancestral traumas were released. In the days following, many difficult emotions continued to release; however after 11 days of clearing I've felt more in touch with my emotions, and more positive than I have perhaps ever.
I would recommend the reboot with Ciara to anyone who is looking for a way to address deeply rooted trauma and emotional blocks. While I had previously made progress using other tools such as plant medicine, Ciara's approach is comparatively gentle, where you are guided and supported throughout. She was able to hone in on the issues I brought to our session, making it a much more targeted process. Looking forward to continuing with this invaluable work
Nathan C.
I can't recommend Ciara highly enough. She is in a league of her own in her area of work. The amount of breakthroughs I have experienced in her very capable and safe hands has undoubtedly contributed to me having a much better quality of life. I will be forever grateful to this amazing lady
Olivia R
I've worked with Ciara a few times and highly recommend anyone else to do the same!! She is highly intuitive and skilled at healing. Thank you so much for all your care Ciara, the energies and beliefs you've identified and shifted really resonate and I noticed a big difference immediately after the session. You are amazing at what you do, so grateful for your work
Ciara has a gift, a gift from heaven, and she shares it freely without charging people excessively. It is affordable, far more than other practitioners out there offering holistic healing options. She is loving, caring, and has impacted my and my daughter's lives more than we ever anticipated. She was recommended to us by our Naturopathic Nutritionist, Rebecca O'Reilly, and Ciara has helped us both to do a lot of healing. She led me to uncover deep emotional wounds stored in my subconscious, wounds that stored in my body have contributed to viruses and other pathogens thriving in my body. If you are dealing with any chronic physical illness, or simply health issues, I encourage you to work with Ciara. Like Rebecca has taught me, the state of our minds and spirits along with our bodies has a huge role to play on our physical health and wellbeing. Working with Ciara is work, but beautiful work, and so worth it. It has moved the needle for us, more than anything else has. Healing takes time, and this is the emotional piece to the nutritional piece, and will enhance your spiritual practice, regardless of what your belief system is.
Enia Castillo
“Early 2021, I started feeling symptoms of dizziness, migraines, blurred vision, brain fog, hard to breath, pains in my arms, exhaustion and numbness in my face. Before long I was unable to drive or work. I was hospitalised for a week - MRI scans, x rays, you name it they done it, found nothing. There was no explanation found for my problems. My partner came across Ciara on Facebook. After I looked through her website, I felt I had nothing to lose. I was off work at these stage 3 months and only sicker I was getting.
Ciara, blew my mind away with the energy clearance on my first session. She also introduced me to The Medical Medium books and urged me to read it. Within 3 weeks of starting the Medical Medium cleanse protocol the headaches went. Every week I felt better and better. I did go hard core into the cleanse. I wanted results and that's what I got. It did get tough at times but I had to give it my all for the sake of my 2 young kids.
Five weeks of the cleanse and I was able to drive again. My life was starting to return bit by bit. After 3 months of the protocol, I was able to return to work. I did still have symptoms, but I was able to manage. I had weekly support sessions with Ciara for the first 3 months.
It’s now September 2022 and I’m symptom free. I’m still on a cleanse every so often and watching the foods outside of cleanses. I will be forever grateful for what Ciara has done for me spiritually and emotionally through my healing journey. I would highly recommend Ciara to anyone, is very good at what she does”
Jamie M, Galway
“Ciara is so kind and approachable. I have done 4 zoom sessions with her and we have done very powerful work. We have cleared out old emotional hurts and generational trauma.
I feel much lighter in spirit and more at peace in my daily life. I seem to have shed what was weighing me down. We did a fantastic grounding exercise that I have put to good use while I have been preparing for surgery and having various tests that would normally terrify me. I can now quiet my mind and live in the moment.
All done with her super kind and warm manner.
Highly recommend”
Rosemary C
“Before I had the great pleasure of meeting Ciara, I was very much stuck and struggling with unresolved grief, fear, anger, overwhelm, guilt, shame and a deep-rooted regret over past traumas in my life. My energies were rock bottom, and although I had tried different modalities before, the effects were always very short-lived. Ciara was instrumental in rebalancing the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of my life and helped me to turn my energies, thinking and life around very quickly. And the best part is that I can say with conviction that the effects of her transformative therapies are not short-lived. Ciara is a very experienced and highly professional therapist who listens carefully then recommends the right treatment. For me, it was engaging in QTT and clearing emotional codes from my subconscious that were stuck and not serving me in any way. Both techniques were very gentle and unrooted the cause of lots of my pains in the shortest time imaginable. Ciara’s highly empathic nature and ability to communicate and relate gently made both of the therapies very serene and peaceful. Ciara has the most incredible gift of grounding an individual that I have ever experienced. She radiates a very positive calming energy which ensured that I was at ease almost immediately and ready to engage in the sessions. I can’t express my gratitude for the work that Ciara has done enough and how it’s changed my life for the better. I would recommend a consultation and therapy with Ciara without hesitation”.
Elaine D
“I found Ciara very professional in my practical sessions. She made me feel calm and at ease. In the first session, I released 15 heart emotions that I was carrying down through different generations. During these sessions of release, I could feel a cold sensation down my left arm and a warm sensation within my heart. The only way I can explain how I felt after the session was the overpowering feeling of love, "unconditional love". The exact same feeling I had when I saw my daughter the day I gave birth. This feeling was truly amazing and this high level of love stayed with me. I was very surprised when Ciara could tell me different ages that affected my life. For example, Ciara could tell me at the age of 34 I felt unsupported! This was very true! I broke up from a longterm relationship and received no support or help with our daughter. I was in college full time and working two part-time jobs and it wasn't always easy to find support. I am such a calmer person now, showing myself more love and kindness thanks to Ciara. Keep up the good work as this work is a true blessing for anyone that wants to work on themselves and let go of anything that does not serve them.
We don't always realise it, but everything we experience in life, we always carry it.
Ciara is very professional and I would highly recommend her”.
Amanda, Galway x
“Having availed of Ciara's help, guidance and beautiful gift of healing I can now look back and see the journey I have come... From a place of frustration of being stuck both professionally and personally, I have attained a greater understanding of why I was caught in the same pattern and getting the same results, and never seem to progress. A system of beliefs I had outgrown and no longer served me, held me stuck and using QTT as a fabulous freedom modality and the Body & Emotion Code to wrap up the residual loops. I have now a comfort of mind and a deep belief in myself. My work professionally has grown, as have my finances. I no longer self-sabotage and the inner critic is quieted. I have begun to value myself again and for all of the above, I will be forever grateful.
I will continue to use her services as ongoing support as I may hit inevitable hidden potholes along the way!”
Invaluable, 5 Star, and recommended to all…... Aishling X
“The Body Code experience with Ciara was beautiful and helpful for our whole family. We live in different countries, but we were able to enjoy the sessions online. I felt an instant rapport with Ciara as, like me, she too is a follower of Anthony Williams.
Everything Ciara decoded made a lot of sense and at the same time, each of us learned a lot about our own subconscious blockages and needs. I felt energy changes after each session, which was a great sign that something was shifting inside!
I cannot recommend Ciara highly enough to anyone who is interested in benefiting from the Body Code technique”
Mariana, Slovakia
I met Ciara through the Medical Medium online community. I highly recommend Ciara's services. She was able to correctly identify my and my son's health issues and body parts that were affected, even though the sessions were done via WhatsApp video call. I feel the difference in my body and my emotional well-being.
Roxanne UK
“I am feeling so blessed that I was introduced to Ciara. I have been working with her on and off for nearly a year now. She is an amazing practitioner. Over the years, I have gone to a few Energy healers, but Ciara is different - she helped me on so many different levels. Ciara taught me how to properly ground myself, which was something I had always struggled with. I had self-confidence issues and I procrastinated a lot. Ciara used The Body Code & Emotion Code on me and it can only be described as unreal. I availed of sessions in person and also via video call during lockdowns. The difference I have felt has given me the power to make many overdue changes in my life. During sessions, she released many trapped emotions that were holding me back. This was always done in a gentle caring manner. She is kind, authentic, extremely knowledgeable, and caring. What makes her stand out above all the others is her ability to know what you are in need of releasing. This ability blew me away because she was always right. To me, what makes a fantastic practitioner, is knowing when a person is ready to release and process and she has that amazing ability.
I would highly recommend Ciara to everyone, she has changed my perception of stress management and self-care and I have learned many great tools that I use daily”.
***** 5 star Karen, Galway.
“After researching, I felt it would be very interesting to try The Emotion Code with Ciara. I felt very much at ease talking through what was going on for me. Ciara has a lot of passion for what she does. I had a heart wall cleared and the results are amazing.
I have felt a big change around my energy levels which is an area I struggle with. I also notice that I’m letting go of some old negative patterns. I would highly recommend Ciara”"
S. Cooney
“Upon contacting Ciara I felt straight away how much love she has for Horses. My horse Bobbie had been very down not showing any interest in me or what was going on around her - just not herself. The vet could not find anything physically wrong. After the distance session, I noticed a change, she was back to herself, more interested in me again and just having a lot more interest in life again. It is wonderful to have a therapy that can help the horse become unblocked from past experiences”
Sinead, Co. Clare
“In a word - outstanding. Gifted practitioner
Great, inspiring knowledge of the mind/body connection and holistic healing!
Absolutely amazing!! Truly!
Fantastic value for money.
Excellent treatment.
Thoroughly recommended.
Nothing to dislike.”
“I did a few online sessions with Ciara for emotion code work. I was just amazed at how gentle it was to work with, but in the following weeks, I felt I off-loaded a lot of baggage and now I feel lighter and more open. We also did some lovely grounding work. I get surprised by subtle changes in how people interact with me in a more positive way - which was different from before the session. I would not hesitate to recommend Ciara or go back to her for follow on sessions”