Your word is your wand…..

A lovely friend once told me; “Your word is your wand”

Words and language hold an energy and a vibration. Words are just a compilation of spellings that we have come to learn as meanings. What “spellings” have you had cast upon you? Let explore the words that embedded within your subconscious and unfairly caused you to believe toxic untruths …..

For today, start to pay heed to your dominant “spells”. Take notice of the thoughts your having throughout the day. Take note of what you are telling yourself as you walk the dog, as you do the chores, as you eat your lunch, as you walk down the street and even as you interact with other people

Are you should’n the shit outta yourself? Do your thoughts sound like; I should be fitter, faster, stronger, thinner, smarter, prettier, richer, more ambitious or organised? Are you a victim in your spells or are you under constant spells of worry and angst? What are you telling yourself all day everyday?

 The two most powerful words in the universe are “I AM”. They amplify and magnify the vibrations of the words you put after them. Knowing this, are you now happy to continue telling yourself,  “I am a disaster” or “I am useless” or “I am ____________ (you fill in the blank)……..?

This can be an alarmist exercise for the first time doing it. You may find yourself wondering how on earth you hadnt noticed the extent of your self-bashery before today! It can be a little overwhelming to uncover and aknowledge the programmes running there in the subconscious mind and if we are honest with ourselves it can be very daunting to think of changing them. The beauty here is that you have a choice from here on in. Do you want to continue as you are or do you want real tangable change?

Enlist the help of The Quantum Reboot in permanently excavating out the untruths you hold in your subconscious. Supporting you to release the toxic beliefs that are holding you back in life and look forward to an upgraded reboot of your inner peace

Book yourself in for a free discovery call on

Ciara xx




Successful belief change!


Reclaiming my health, discovering my purpose