Trapped emotions
Every emotion we experience will oscillate and vibrate at its own particular frequency. Negative emotions are of a very low vibration. They become a trapped ball of oscillating energy within our energy system, creating imbalances that disturb the natural flow of energy throughout the energy body.
As well as becoming trapped, they also magnetise other similar low vibrational emotions your way and block you from peace and manifesting your desires.
Low vibrational trapped emotions can be from your own life experience or the life experience of your parents and ancestors....(ie: you inherit them)
A clear energy field allows more happiness, joy, optimism, peace and fulfilment to flow throughout. The less emotional baggage you carry, the stronger your aura becomes. The stronger your aura becomes, the less affected you will be by the negativity of others allowing you to live in a happier 4th/5th dimensional state.
Book your free discovery call today and begin the exciting journey of unpacking your baggage…
Ciara xx